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Shortcuts are a concept in Keyboardly, for any keyboard interaction that can only be triggered on a specific context or item is selected.

Usage examples:

  • Space on a Item to zoom it
  • E Activates the current item selected in a list
  • Delete Removes the selected file in a list

How to use

Initialize Shortcuts on your App entrypoint

import kbdl from 'keyboardly';
import 'keyboardly/style.css';

const shortcuts = new kbdl.Shortcuts();

You only need to this once on your SPA!

Creating a context

Diferently from Hotkeys, shortcuts only work on a specific context, which we call shortcut-components. So actions only work inside them.

So first we need to specify what are the boundaries of a context, it can be Item in a list, a line in a table, a card, a panel, a tab, etc...

Creating a context is as simple as adding data-shortcut-component attribute to any DOM element.


<div class="list">
    <div class="card" data-shortcut-component>


The data-shortcut-component doesn't need to reflect your actual component structure inside your project, it only needs to be a visually defined container. Like a card, panel, row...

Adding shortcuts

You just need to add a data-shortcut attribute to any element that already has some action

    <li class="card" data-shortcut-component>
        Item 1        
        <button data-shortcut="O">Open</button>
        <button data-shortcut="X">Remove</button>
        <button data-shortcut="Shift-D">Duplicate</button>

    <li class="card" data-shortcut-component>  
        Item 2      
        <button data-shortcut="O">Open</button>
        <button data-shortcut="X">Remove</button>
        <button data-shortcut="Shift-D">Duplicate</button>

Multiple key bidings

You can add alternative bindings to any element using the | syntax

<button data-shortcut="Space|B|Shift-X">Jump</button>

Disable actions

There are multiple ways of disabling an action

Disable the input

If an action is disabled for mouse interactions it will automatically be also disabled for keyboard interactions

<!-- will not respond to mouse and keyboard -->
<button data-shortcut="Ctrl-N" disabled>New</button>

Remove the element

Since keyboardly uses event delegation, when a button is removed from the DOM, the keyboard binding also becomes unreachable. No leaky events!

Remove the binding attribute

You can just update or remove the data-shortcut attribute

Vue example:

<button :disabled="!isModified" data-shortcut="Ctrl-S" >Save</button>
<button v-if="canSave" data-shortcut="Ctrl-S" >Save</button>

Released under the MIT License.