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Install Keyboardly

There are two ways to install the package.

1. Package Manager

# npm
npm i keyboardly

# Yarn
yarn add keyboardly

In your application, import the keyboardly module, and the core CSS:

import Keyboardly from 'keyboardly';
import 'keyboardly/dist/keyboardly.css'; // optional for styling

This assumes you're using a module bundler like webpack, Rollup, or Parcel.

The core CSS is not required, but provides a base styling for you to use. If you'd like to use Keyboardly without any of the default styles or CSS, see Styling.

2. CDN

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

Place them at the very bottom of the <body>, ensuring they are placed before your own scripts. The version numbers after @ are important, make sure they don't get removed.

What's next?

Keyboardly comes out of the box with 3 modules, continue to learn how it works and how to use it.

Released under the MIT License.